What is the doctors talking about Onnetsu Therapy?
Some Comments from Doctors, MDs, Acupuncturists and Professional Health Practitioners on Dr. Kazuko’s Far Infrared Onnetsu Therapy. You also can learn!!

"After receiving only one single Onnetsu Far Infrared treatment, I felt so profoundly different that I immediately signed up for the training with Dr. Kazuko. Following the training, I immediately started using it in my practice with almost every single patient. After being in practice for 18 years, and having a very large toolbox of tools, it is already at the top of my list of fast, powerful, effective ways to relieve pain, balance people's nervous systems, move energy, and provide a healing environment for the patient's body. It truly is an amazing treatment modality, and I believe that every practitioner should be using it on themselves, and on their patients." --- Dr. Andrew Colyer, DC, CSCS, DAAPM, FIAMA

"After taking your course on Onnetsu Therapy, I have been utilizing this technology on my patients. To my amazement, the results have been extraordinary. My first patient sustained a shoulder injury over 10 years ago and has experienced pain since that time. After 3 treatments with the Onnetsu, there was total resolution of pain. There has been continuous positive feedback from all my patients that I have treated with Onnetsu, and I am very grateful for having the opportunity of having studied with you, the foremost authority on this amazing healing modality." --- Dr. Carol S. Kessler, PhD, LAc, MS, LMT

"I met Dr. Kazuko at a Japanese Healing Retreat in Phoenicia, New York over the Memorial Day Weekend. At that time, I was introduced to Onnetsu Therapy and shortly thereafter, I had the opportunity to personally study Onnetsu Therapy with Dr. Kazuko in New York City. Onnetsu Therapy is an extraordinary contribution to the world of natural healing and Dr. Kazuko is the foremost authority in this field. I would recommend studying and incorporating this modality to all healthcare practitioners who are desirous of enhancing their lives and the lives of their patients. "
--- Dr. Barry M. Mark, DDS, LAc, CAc, Hom

"I have been an acupuncturist in NYC for over 15 years. Since I learned Onnetsu Therapy from Dr. Kazuko, I always in corporate it in to my practice. Patients love it, and the effect is excellent and recovery is very speedy. My practice grew many fold. I recommend that any practitioner learn this new therapy."
--- Dr. Maria Gorens, LAc

" In 2009 I traveled to Los Angeles to take the basic and advanced Onnetsu training with Dr.Kazuko after studying the immunological theories of Dr. Toru Abo. I have since used Onnetsu therapy in my clinic with many of my patients for a wide variety of conditions. It combines very well with Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine as well as Western Functional medicine due to its powerful detoxifying effects. Patients love the deep, penetrating warmth and trust the healing power it generates. Dr. Kazuko is a very warm-hearted, passionate and experienced physician with much to offer to doctors and health professionals of all types."
--- Dr. Nicholas Corrin, Ayur.D., L.Ac., EAMP, MS, MA

A Few Testimonials from Clients Receiving Far Infrared Onnetsu Therapy.

We introduce here the testimonials of those who have been diagnosed with “incurable” diseases.

Brain Tumors (Glioblastoma)
I have noticed remarkable changes since commencing far infrared therapy. The rashes are gone. The dangerously low lymphocyte levels are advancing to the normal range. My body is no longer swollen. My family and I are so grateful to Dr. Kazuko. --- A. S. N. New York,NY

After my first six sessions, my eye pressure, which used to be 21, had come down to between 14 and 16. Six months later after I was diagnosed as having glaucoma, I had few green ones, which mean “normal”. Six months ago, there were several numbers of red (3-4), which were “dangerous” and so were yellow ones, which were “quite dangerous”. My firm believe that it would be cured, taking Manda Koso, and all. Perhaps it is a combination of everything – meeting with Kazuko, receiving Shinkiko and Onnetsu --- A. I. Great Neck, NY

Terminal Renal Cell Cancer
In April 2000 I was diagnosed with 4th stage renal cell cancer. Since December 2002, I have been receiving the Far Infrared treatments and stopped taking the injections. The last PET scan that I had in February, my oncologist said the results showed that the disease was stable. I thank Dr. Hillyer and the Far Infrared treatments for helping to maintain my well-being and now I don’t have to take in the injections any longer. --- P. D. V. Plain Field, NJ

Breast Cancer
I am a breast cancer patient diagnosed Stage IV with metastasis to liver and lung. After 4 days of therapy, my appetite began to return and my kidneys went back to normal. Six weeks later, I have no water weight, normal appetite and kidney function, minimal symptoms from chemotherapy. My liver tests show much improved function and are almost normal. I have no cough and can take a full breath. Dr. Hillyer’s therapy has saved my life. I highly recommend this therapy to every cancer patient. --- N. H. New York, NY

Loss of Hearing
It was the return of the hearing in my right ear, since I have been unable to hear out of it for 65 years. All this dramatically changed when I attended a two-day workshop in New York City, given by Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura. I got my first personalized comprehensive treatment from her, and I WAS ABLE TO HEAR, though faintly, and with an echo, but the impossible was accomplished. I had my second treatment, and my hearing is still improving, and I believe it will continue. --- B.D. Oakhurst, NJ

Chronic Pain and Fatigue Illness
I have been ailing with a chronic pain and fatigue illness (fibromyalgia) for the past ten years. Recently, I began FIR treatment with Dr. Hillyer and have been amazed that this treatment is effectively managing the pain so that I no longer need to take medication for pain. I sincerely endorse this treatment as a way to manage pain without needing drug therapy and ultimately as a treatment to bringing the body back to complete health. --- M. M. W. New York, NY

CREST, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Arthritis of the Spine
I have gone into full remission. Ten years of being told “No, J., you will not heal, your disease is too complicated.” I still do not dare to dream. Now it's a definite. I need to tell all other people with CREST, Scleroderma, RA, Cancer, any other chronic illness or autoimmune disease about Shinkiko therapy with far infra-red energy of ONNETSU. It assists you to use your own healing powers. --- J. L. Bayview, ID

FIR Onnetsu Therapy was used for the following Symptoms in the past:
abdominalgia, arthritis deformans, asthma, atopic dermatitis, autonomic imbalance, Basedow's disease, Bipolar disorder, brain infarction, brain tumor, breast cancer, cardiac arrhythmia, cataract, cerebral thrombus, Charley horse,chronic leukemia, colitis, colon cancer, contracted kidney, cough, diabetes mellitus, dizziness vertigo, duodenal ulcer, dyspnea, esophageal cancer, gastric ulcer, headache, heartburn, hemorrhoid, hepatitis, herniated disc, herpes zoster, HIV, Infertility, insomnia, intercostal neuralgia, liver cancer, liver disorder, low back pain, lung cancer, Lymphodema, Ménière's disease, migraine headache, night urination, ovarian cancer, palpitation, pancreatic cancer, Parkinson's disease, pollen allergy, prostate cancer, protein in urine, reflux esophagitis, rheumatism, rhinitis, scalpa area inframations, sciatic pain, shortness of breath, spine injury, stomach cancer, strained eye, thromboangiitis obliterans, thyroid cancer, thyroid disease, tinnitus, tooth problems, trigeminal neuralgia, Tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, urocystitis; cystitis, uterine cancer, vomiting, whiplash injury, xerophthalmia, yellow ligament